
Online Exam Helper

Education Online Exam Helper


Exams can be frustrating because you run out of time. Don’t lose any marks if you get caught up with essay questions or have second thoughts. Take advantage of the exam hacks below to make time management a breeze.


  • Wake up relaxed: Plan to start your exam on time by allowing yourself plenty of time.
  • Take a snack: Eat a healthy meal before the exam. Having an egg on toast or muesli will give you the energy to get through your exam. Don’t forget to carry healthy snacks.
  • Be positive: Social media can lower your confidence if you read about other students’ worries. Talk about something neutral or positive, like what you all look forward to doing after the exam.
  • Put on your best clothes:  Wear comfortable clothes. You will usually wear it to class if you feel more focused on your online exam help.

Ask yourself the following questions before answering questions:

  • How many directive words are included (e.g., describe, explain, compare, contrast, analyze, etc.)?
  • What is the structure of the question?
  • Is it possible to rephrase it?
  • How does it relate to the work of the semester?
  • What are the details?
  • Does this paper or question point in the right direction?

Revision should include timed practice papers

It would be best if you practice managing your time. Old papers can help you focus on the types of questions you have difficulty answering. Consider writing a practice paper if essays always stump you. What can you omit from the answer if you have to go over your time limit? Maybe you’re simply writing too much.

Read the paper before you begin.

Locate your high-mark questions and estimate the number of questions. Make sure you focus on the question worth 25 percent or more of the overall score first, so you don’t get confused by questions worth fewer marks. Your paper should tell you how many marks you can get. 

Plan your time accordingly.

To work out how long you should spend on each question, you can use one of two methods:

  • Divide the time you have left by the total marks in the exam

You can achieve 100 marks in a three-hour exam (180 minutes), which is just over one and a half minutes per mark. It should take nine minutes to answer a six-mark question.

  • Locate your high mark questions and see how much time you need to devote to them

An essay question worth 50 percent of your marks should take half the time. You can figure out how long you need to spend on each more petite question after you have solved the bigger ones.

Do the easy questions first.

You do not have to go from page one to page 20 in perfect order. Focus on the shorter questions or topics you are familiar with. Divide your remaining time to decide how long you need to spend on the more significant questions.

Watch the clock!

Make it a habit to check the time after every few questions. Focus on the questions with the highest marks if you’re behind.

Feeling tense or anxious

  • Don’t lose sight of the bigger picture. Exams matter to you, and you should be anxious before them. Stay confident.
  • Exercising or going for a brisk walk reduces muscle tension. Keeping muscles loose with finger and toe movements can reduce anxiety.
  • Meditation can reduce stress. Try these:
    • Guidance from the University’s Counseling and Psychological Services
    • Stress management

Having a terrible exam experience may make you more anxious. Use some grounding techniques to bring you back into the present moment.

When the exam is over

You cannot change your mark after the exam, so don’t obsess over what you could have done. Enjoy your time.

After you have taken a break, you should review your performance. Here are some questions you can use to identify areas of improvement next time.

  • Was your preparation sufficient?
  • How could you improve your exam revision?
  • Were you stressed during the exam?
  • Were you able to manage your time well?
  • What will you do differently next time?

It may also be helpful to work with a tutor or other students. A tutor can help you identify areas where you could have earned more points.

Here are some things to consider

Consider the following if they apply to you:

  • Find out if you are eligible for adjustments such as length of time or venue changes if you have a disability.
  • Apply for Special consideration if circumstances have affected your exam performance.

 Hire an Expert Exam Taker

If you have no time and want to score well, you may hire an expert to Take My Online Exam For Me and let them handle all the stress.

Essay Questions

Essay questions cause the most anxiety for many students. Most of this is because they write more than they need to plan five minutes. You’ll be able to pick out the big topics so that you won’t waffle on. See how essay questions are marked in practice papers and answered in a way that fits the marking scheme. Put some of these tips into practice during this exam period to achieve academic success. Organizing course materials, setting up a study space, and using time effectively during your exam can minimize stress.

Author: Admin

March 9, 2022


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